The Pegg Project®


29 Years of Investigations

The Pegg Project® is an Australian research endeavour that has examined many of the world's ancient mysteries.

It was found that traditional understanding and rhetoric regarding individual Myths, Legends, Ancient and Sacred Texts have misrepresented what those accounts were actually originally reporting.

Beneath the traditional stories which contain mistranslated words and changed contexts, a whole new narrative was revealed - being recorded and documented accounts that involved visits back to the past to give certain warnings.

Evaluate the Research and Findings made by two Australian researchers.

As the information that was originally presented on this page pertains to the history of The Pegg Project® and as such forms the basis of a proposed Documentary, it is being withheld until a commercial endevour is produced and released.

See the website for details.

The Pegg Project®   2004

Evidence of TIME TRAVEL has been Found  scattered throughout History and documented within the world's Ancient Myths and Texts.

RONALD PEGG said that
finding modern technology depicted and documented out-of-place and out-of-its-own-time-period in earlier historical texts - is proof of Time Travel

This new knowledge will probably change how you see the world, as what we have been told about our past is not what actually happened.
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All Rights Reserved  © 2012-2025  Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd   ACN 155453295

Publisher: World Breaking Discoveries
Distribution licence 94229084198

The Pegg Project® is a Registered Trademark
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